Adaptive algorithms of position and energy reconstruction in Anger-camera type detectors: experimental data processing in ANTS

TitleAdaptive algorithms of position and energy reconstruction in Anger-camera type detectors: experimental data processing in ANTS
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsMorozov, A, Defendi, I, Engels, R, Fraga, FAF, Fraga, MMFR, Gongadze, A, Guerard, B, Jurkovic, M, Kemmerling, G, Manzin, G, Margato, LMS, Niko, H, Pereira, L, Petrillo, C, Peyaud, A, Piscitelli, F, Raspino, D, Rhodes, NJ, Sacchetti, F, Schooneveld, EM, Solovov, V, Van Esch, P, Zeitelhack, K
JournalJournal of Instrumentation
Date Publishedmay