Integrating table-top laser, seeded-free electron laser and storage ring sources for time resolved spectroscopies
DECEMBER 1st and 2nd, 2014
A novel users’ facility for the nano-sciences providing ultrashort photon pulses (fs-ps) from THz to the X-ray energies and instrumentation from CDI to SP-ARPES and XMCD supported by advanced sample preparation and characterization at the nanoscale is presented as a joint effort of the NFFA-demonstrator and T-ReX groups at Elettra and IOM-CNR. The expansion of the NFFA Demonstrator facility programme will integrate with the T-Rex and FERMI FEL facilities to offer table-top fs-laser beamlines and pump-probe set-ups for user experiments.
The workshop will discuss the development of facilities to investigate the electronic structure dynamics in nanomaterials and/or low-dimensional matter. Research goals shall be discussed as well as technologies adapted to provide efficient and high-users-turnover laser-based beamlines capable to supporting an effective users program integrating and expanding the offer of the FEL sources and of the pump-probe SR beamline experiments.
The workshop is open to interested scientists and engineers as well as all prospective users and students. No fee.
Information about programme and registration can be found at this link:
Confirmed invited speakers
Y. Acremann (ETH, Zürich, Switzerland)
C.H. Back (Univ. Regensburg, Germany)
F. Baumberger (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland)
M. Chergui (EPFL, Switzerland)
G. De Ninno (Univ. Nova Gorica, Slovenia and Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy)
C. Giannetti (UniCatt. Brescia, Italy)
M. Nisoli (Politecnico Milano, Italy)
F. Parmigiani (Univ. Trieste, Italy )
L. Perfetti (Lab. Solides Irradiés, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
G. Rossi (Univ. Milano, Italy)
R. Schoenlein (LBNL-Berkeley, US)
F. Sirotti (Synchrotron Soleil, France)
E. Springate (Central Laser Facility, Didcot, UK)
E. Stratakis (Lab. FORTH and LASERLAB, Greece)
W. Würth (Hamburg Univ. and DESY-FLASH, Germany)
Scientific Organizing Committee
F. Parmigiani, G. Rossi, G. Panaccione, F. Cilento
Local Organizing Committee
K. Fujii , e-mail: [ e-mail ]
R. Skabar, e-mail: [ e-mail ]