APE beamline @ Sincrotrone Elettra, Trieste (Italy)

TitleAPE beamline @ Sincrotrone Elettra, Trieste (Italy)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKrizmancic, D
Keywordsbeamline, control system, data acquisition, GPIB, LabVIEW, monochromator, RS232, software

APE @ Sincrotrone Elettra (TRIESTE-ITALY) is a facility for experiments on solid surfaces and nanostructured matter. APE has 2 photon beamlines ÄPE - Low Energy\" (h?=10 - 100eV) and ÄPE - High Energy\" (h?=140-1500eV). Both feature Labview-based data acquisition software providing interlacements to third party software and facility services. ÄPE-Low energy\" holds a high resolution electron analyzer \"SCIENTAëquipped for spin measurements. Labview is used to perform angle resolved measurements by programmatically talking to the proprietary software SES (via documented libraries), to a Labview based TCP/IP server for monochromator movements and to a manipulator based on Mclennan Simstep drives. ÄPE-High energy\" is a station for soft-X-ray absorption and magnetic dichroism, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and spin polarization mapping. Labview data acquisition relies on communication GPIB electrometers, on analyzerś proprietary software Omicron-EIS (via ActiveX) and a manipulator interface as above. An effort has been made for fast streamed monochromator measurements. These relies on RTSI - interconnected PCI - 6602 and PCI - 6123 National Instruments boards. Spin measurements relies on Labview controlled fast electronic from \"Sincrotrone Elettra\". Communication to Elettra Beamline Control systems (BCS and Tango) occurs via standard TCP and Labview TANGO binding. For a detailed description, please see: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 043105 (2009); doi:10.1063/1.3119364.