News And Events

Giornate Didattiche SISN 2015

Introduzione alle tecniche neutroniche per lo studio microscopico della materia, con applicazioni alla Fisica, Chimica, Biologia e Geologia 13-22 Giugno 2015

23rd SILS Conference

23rd SILS Conference - Trento, 8 – 10 July 2015

We are very glad to announce that the 23rd annual conference of SILS will take place in Trento between the 8th and the 10th of July, 2015. This event is part of the Italian program in occasion of the International Year of Light and Light based technologies ( under the auspices of the Italian Physical Society. Conference chairpersons will be Giulio Monaco (University of Trento) and Federico Boscherini (University of Bologna and SILS). Program and updated details available here.


CNR at Elettra 2.0

The CNR community working at Elettra aims at playing an active role within the novel scientific perspectives opened by the Elettra 2.0 project. This document describes a number of topics of high scientific impact that could be addressed at Elettra 2.0. It is intended as a starting point for designing instrumentation to strengthen the present offer of CNR beamlines and end-stations and implement new experimental techniques.


Il CNR-IOM è lieto di annunciare il progetto AntibiOttica, finanziato nell'ambito del programma POR-FESR 2014-2020. Il progetto AntibiOttica, che vede coinvolto personale e strutture del CNR-IOM, studierà l'applicazione delle nanotecnologie alle indagini batteriologiche in ambito ospedaliero.

CNR-IOM is glad to announce a new project- AntibiOttica, funded within the POR-FESR 2014-2020 program. The program AntibiOttica, involving personnel and facilities at CNR-IOM, will focus on the application of nanotechnologies to the batteriological investigations in Hospital Areas.
