
Tuning the growth mode of nanowires via the interaction among seeds, substrates and beam fluxes

The growth mechanism of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) is still an argument of high interest, and it’s becoming clearer that simple pictures, such as the original vapour-liquid-solid model, fail to describe the complex behaviours observed under different growth conditions and for different materials.

Collective spin 1 singlet phase in high-pressure oxygen

Among the elemental diatomic molecules, O2 is the only one carrying a spin 1 magnetic moment. In the high pressure phases of oxygen the magnetic moment conspires with intermolecular forces to generate a rich phase diagram. Whereas, up to 80,000 atmospheres the moment persists, at pressures between 80,000 and 200,000 atmospheres, molecular magnetism apparently disappears, however with a number of unexplained vibrational and optical anomalies.

Interface Functionalities in Multilayer Stack OLETs

Herein is described a multidisciplinary approach to understand the performance limitations of small molecule organic light emitting transistors (OLETs) based on a layered architecture, an innovative architecture potentially competitive with the state of the art and more flexible for spectral emission control.

Electric control of magnetism at the Fe/BaTiO3 interface

Using electric fields for magnetic writing is a very appealing opportunity, however, bulk multiferroic materials at room temperature have not been yet found. Instead, interfacial magnetoelectric coupling could be a viable path to achieve electrical writing of magnetic information in spintronic devices.

Here, we report on a room temperature ON-OFF electrical switching of the interfacial magnetization at the Fe/BaTiO3 interface.
